The first 6 months

My first 6 months of running the mastering studio has been really busy. But I haven't only been mastering, I've been producing and mixing a lot of bands and artists as well. It's been a great start and I have many more cool projects lined up this fall.

I would like to thank all the awesome artists I’ve had the pleasure of working with during these last few months. Most notably I've co-mixed and mastered the latest Soreption album titled "Monument of the End" together with my partner in crime Daniel Bergstrand. Also the LIK album "Carnage" which I produced, mixed and mastered has been received really well. And finally I got the mastering gig for the debut album "Danse Macabre" from Danish band Baest. All these albums are death metal in some form and I simply love that music. However, I've also worked with singer/songwriter music, folk music and straight up rock bands. Anything that comes my way, I do with great passion. It's all about the craft.

Looking forward to the rest of the year. Will YOUR release be my next project?

And we're off!

The first couple of months since I launched Obey Mastering have been busy ones. It started off with Uppsalas Hardcore band Always War and their new EP, then Abnegation from Australia. Brutal Death Metal by Decryptus, also from Australia. Then the new LIK album, which I also produced and mixed, followed by the upcoming Nale album, which produced and mixed as well. I mastered a vinyl version of Klotet's last album which is now going to be released on vinyl. And finally Black Metal from the Wermlandish forests by Svederna.

If you want me to do production or mixing I also work at Dugout Productions together with Daniel Bergstrand. Contact me for rates and availability.

I have a few more projects coming up before the holidays, then I'm looking forward to a very productive 2018.