My first 6 months of running the mastering studio has been really busy. But I haven't only been mastering, I've been producing and mixing a lot of bands and artists as well. It's been a great start and I have many more cool projects lined up this fall.
I would like to thank all the awesome artists I’ve had the pleasure of working with during these last few months. Most notably I've co-mixed and mastered the latest Soreption album titled "Monument of the End" together with my partner in crime Daniel Bergstrand. Also the LIK album "Carnage" which I produced, mixed and mastered has been received really well. And finally I got the mastering gig for the debut album "Danse Macabre" from Danish band Baest. All these albums are death metal in some form and I simply love that music. However, I've also worked with singer/songwriter music, folk music and straight up rock bands. Anything that comes my way, I do with great passion. It's all about the craft.
Looking forward to the rest of the year. Will YOUR release be my next project?