

The digital formats today are streaming, digital downloads and CD. I deliver DDP images for CD replication and Wav-files for the other digital formats.

Several digital platforms offer high resolution audio with a minimum of 24bit resolution, so for digital downloads and streaming I always recommend sending files in 24bit resolution or higher.

I’m proud to be on the exclusive list of mastering engineers certified by Apple to provide Apple Digital Masters, formerly Mastered for iTunes (MFiT).


Today most of my customers want vinyl pre-masters along with their standard digital formats and I have also mastered many vinyl-only releases.

Vinyl is a delicate format and needs to be treated with love and care. Luckily I love vinyl and dare I say it, my personal collection is very dear to me. I know how to achieve a sound that will translate well on vinyl and will always master it slightly differently to the digital formats.


Stem mastering can best be described as something in between mixing and mastering. Instead of delivering a 2-track stereo mix, you group your tracks into several 2-track mixes. These tracks are called “stems” and played together at unity level they make the final mix.

Stem mastering is a great service to use if you are new to mixing or uncertain of your final levels. Giving me the opportunity to, for instance, treat your drums differently than the bass can do wonders to a mix that’s not translating the way it was supposed to.

Always consult with me before making your final stems and together we can figure out the best way to group them. Contact me if you are interested in stem mastering.

